St. Patrick's' Cathedral


St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Ed praying at St. Patrick's Cathedral entrance
Stained glass window of St. Patrick's Cathedral
Staircase in St. Patrick's Cathedral
Stained glass window of St. Patrick's Cathedral
Alter of St. Patrick's  Cathedral
Stained glass window of St. Patrick's Cathedral
Detail of pillar in St. Patrick's Cathedral
Alter of St. Patrick's Cathedral
Interior of St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Patrick's Diagram


Marsh's Library



Marsh's Library gate
Marsh's Library
Marsh's Library cages





Trinity College



Trinity College front gate area
Book of Kells
Book of Kells (cat and rat)
Book of Durrow
Book of Kells (hound and hare)


National Botanic Garden


National Botantic Garden, Glasnevin (Ssssshh, Ed likes flowers!)
National Botantic Garden, Glasnevin (Ed "Ommm")
National Botantic Garden, Glasnevin
National Botanic Garden in Glasnevin
National Botantic Garden, Glasnevin (large poppy)
National Botantic Garden, Glasnevin
National Botanic Garden in Glasnevin (lily pond)
National Botantic Garden, Glasnevin  (Kathleen showing off her socks)
National Botantic Garden, Glasnevin (Ed frolicking and singing "magically delicious!")
National Botanic Garden in Glasnevin (Ed and tree friend)
National Botanic Garden in Glasnevin (Ed and narly tree)
National Botantic Garden, Glasnevin (Kathleen on bridge)
National Botantic Garden, Glasnevin (Kathleen on bridge)
National Botantic Garden, Glasnevin (rose garden) National Botantic Garden, Glasnevin

Glasnevin Cemetery



Glasnevin Cemetary
Glasnevin Cemetery
Glasnevin Cemetery
Glasnevin Cemetery
Glasnevin Cemetery (Kathleen)




Slane (view from the b&b)
Slane (b&b garden)
Slane (Boyne View b&b)
Slane (b&b room)
Slane, Cannings Restuarant & Pub (dinner was yummy!)