AngularJS Todo sample controller converted to CoffeeScript

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Angular's TODO sample converted to CoffeeScript:

# Original source at:

window.TodoCtrl = ($scope) ->

  $scope.todos = [
    {text: 'learn angular', done: true},
    {text: 'build an angular app', done: false}

  $scope.addTodo = ->
    $scope.todos.push({text: $scope.todoText, done: false})
    $scope.todoText = ''

  $scope.remaining = ->
    count = 0
    for todo in $scope.todos
      count += todo.done ? 0: 1

  $scope.archive = ->
    oldTodos = $scope.todos
    $scope.todos = []
    for todo in oldTodos
      $scope.todos.push(todo) unless todo.done

You can also read my thread here: AngularJS controller in CoffeeScript