VCL to BeOS equivalents
Software Engineering
This is a preliminary effort to map Borland's VCL classes to similar or equivalent Be's BeOS classes. The VCL information was obtained from the Delphi 4 and C++Builder 4 help files, whereas the BeOS information came from the Be Book for R4.5.
The following VCL classes have been mapped, so far:
Buttons -
TBitBtn |
ColorGrd -
TColorGrid |
ComCtrls -
TListItem, TListView, TPageControl, TProgressBar, TTabControl, TTabSheet, TTrackBar, TTreeView |
Controls -
TControl |
ExtCtrls -
TShape |
Forms -
TForm, TScreen, TScrollBox |
Graphics -
TFont, TMetafile |
Menus -
TMainMenu, TMenuItem, TPopupMenu |
Outline -
TOutline |
StdCtrls -
TButton, TCheckBox, TComboBox, TEdit, TGroupBox, TMemo, TRadioButton, TScrollBar, |
Windows -
Rect, TPoint |